Common Chiropractic Treatment Questions
What are our treatment like?
At synergy we typically take a multi-treatment approach consisting of Chiropractic examination and adjustments combined with targeted massage therapy, often complimented by dry needling, cupping and/or instrument assisted soft tissue techniques (IASTM).
Do we just crack the joints?
Quite Simply, No.
Actually we do the complete opposite. We typically begin our treatments with specific soft tissue releases often followed by chiropractic adjustments. This allows a more comfortable experience for the patient and often gains a better result. Very rarely does only a adjustment need to be performed solely.
How long does the treatment take?
On average, allow 30-45mins for your visit to our clinic. However, should you choose a 60min massage, then allow yourself 60-90mins for your visit?
Do I have to get my spine cracked?
Not always.
Our chiropractor will often recommend what is most appropriate for your case. If you are not comfortable with the adjustments, our chiropractor will substitute techniques so that you are more comfortable.
On behalf of our Chiropractor, Welcome to Synergy!