What Is The Most Effective Chiropractic Technique?

Chiropractic treatment gives you relief. Chiropractors focus on the disorders of the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system and the effects of these disorders on general health. Most of these disorders include back/neck pain, pain in the joints of the arms or legs, and headaches.

Many different chiropractic techniques are available to deal with these disorders to give you the best results. If you are currently experiencing disorders in your musculoskeletal system and nervous system, then you need to read this blog. You will get to know about the techniques that will be used. Keep going!

Most Effective Chiropractic Techniques:

Read about these most effective chiropractic techniques that are commonly used:

Diversified Technique

The diversified technique is one of the most effective chiropractic corrective methods. It is also one of the most common methods used by chiropractors worldwide. The name tells about it, and the diversified technique has a range of chiropractic adjustments to correct affected vertebral segments.

For this technique, chiropractors apply a short, rapid thrust over your restricted joints, one at a time, to restore the normal range of motion in the joint. The person’s body is positioned in a specific way to optimize the adjustment of the spine.

These rapid thrusts result from popping sounds as the joints and spine return to normal alignment and trapped gas/air is released. Diversified technique is done mainly by the chiropractor’s hands, and there’s no need for any tool or equipment. Speaking of chiropractors, if you need a chiropractor in Greenacre, you can contact Synergy Spine and Health.

Extremity Manipulation/Adjustment

Chiropractic care is not limited to your spine. Extremity manipulation/adjustment is a technique used to fix the joints anywhere in the body other than the spine. The elbow, shoulder, wrist, fingers, knees, toes, and ankles are the extremities that are included. These joints can become misaligned and cause some discomfort to the person.

The main purpose of this method is to align the joints outside the spine pressure so it can be reduced. This technique is painless in most cases, but it can cause some discomfort to patients with advanced joint issues.

The goal is to relieve pressure, reduce pain, and increase mobility. This technique can treat headaches, neck pain, back pain, and stiff joints.

The Gonstead Technique

The Gonstead technique is believed to be one of the most effective chiropractic techniques. It was named after its founder, Clarence Gonstead. It is a concept of chiropractic care that goes through different examination methods to study pain-causing factors.

The Gonstead technique restores normal disc alignment and reduces pain and stiffness. This restores the maximum range of mobility. It can be administered with the patient sitting up or lying on their side.

To check out the segments to adjust/manipulate, your chiropractor might conduct an X-ray analysis, temperature gradient studies, and palpation. The Gonstead adjustment is used to treat people with subluxation, painful and stiff necks, pain in the back areas, joint problems, and migraines and headaches.

Cox Flexion Distraction

Cox flexion distraction, or let’s say flexion distraction, is a non-surgical spinal care treatment for several lumbar-spine conditions. It includes lower back pain, disc injuries, and sciatica.

This method uses hands-on and mechanical manipulation/adjustment and utilizes a dedicated table where the spine is tractioned and flexed forward. This procedure gently stretches the spine, allowing the chiropractor to use a relaxing pump to align the spine.

Cox flexion distraction helps:

  • Reduce pain, weakness, inflammation, and numbness by healing herniated discs.
  • Restores normal motion and lets you function in the intervertebral joints.

Activator Method

This method is recommended for treating neck and back pain and the extremities. In this technique, a chiropractor uses an activator, a small spring-loaded device. This device delivers a small impulse to the spine.

The activator adjusts the nervous system’s tone and treats various conditions, from headaches to lower back pain. The best part? This tool lets chiropractors discover certain affected areas with a short, low-force pulse.

Final Thoughts:

These different chiropractic methods are highly efficient. If you’re considering chiropractic treatment, reach out to a skilled professional and schedule an appointment with a chiropractor, and they will take care of the rest.

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